Principal's Message
Welcome to our "Jiménez Family!" Our school is named after the late Santa Maria-Bonita School District employee, Roberto Jiménez, an outstanding community member, and his brother, Dr. Francisco Jiménez, a phenomenal professor and author. I invite you to explore Jiménez Elementary School's website, which provides valuable information about our school's instructional programs, academic
achievement, classroom materials, school safety, facilities, and staff. Our school is staffed with highly qualified teachers who are extremely dedicated to helping all children succeed. We take it upon ourselves to be constant learners. Students receive a California standards-based
curriculum, presented by dedicated professionals based on the individual needs of the students. We are considerate of students' cultural backgrounds, and build students' learning based on prior knowledge. Ongoing evaluation of student progress and achievement helps us refine the instructional program so all students can achieve academic proficiency. We have made a commitment to provide the best educational program possible for Jiménez students. We welcome any suggestions or questions you may have about the information
contained in this report or about any aspect of our school.
Jiménez Elementary exists to ensure high levels of learning for all students.
Our Commitment, Our Bold Stand, Our Expectation
All students will move a minimum of a grade level each year through effective Tier 1 practices
Preparing children to be successful college and career ready citizens