School Accountabilty Report Cards SARC's
The School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs) are published once each year for each school. The most current Report Cards contain information from the 2023-2024 school year and were published in February 2025 as required by the state. Hard copies of the School Accountability Report Cards are available to all parents and community members upon request. If you would like a copy of a school's SARC, please contact Samantha Scroggin at (805) 361-8113 or to request one.
Jiménez School 2023-2024 SARC English en español
The SARCs are in pdf format and can be printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download a free version of Adobe Acrobat on this site's "Adobe" page.
If you'd like to review SARCs from previous years, please click on the years below.
Jiménez School 2022-2023 SARC in Spanish